Upgrading to WMF 3.0 on Win 2008 R2 SP1 Hyper-V Core

If you still have some Windows 2008 R2 SP1 Core Hyper-V hosts running and thinking of upgrading to WMF 3.0 there has been some problems with the VMM 2012.

I have a Win 2008 R2 Core SP1 Hyper-V  in my VMM 2012 SP1 UR2 and wanted to test if this was still an issue. The main reason for upgrading to the WMF 3.0 is the rebuild of the vmm refresh that is described in this blog post.

First I just tried to run the install file for WMF 3.0 and got the following dialog, and after reading a bit more realizing that it was because I need the .Net 4 as a prerequisite.


I installed the .Net 4 and there are some things that need to be configured on the Core server before and that is explained on the download page for .Net for Win 2008 R2 SP1 Core

After that It worked to install,


And after rebooting the host I looked in VMM and also tried some refresh and start/stop on VM´s and setting the host in maintenance mode, everything worked without any issues 🙂


Adding 2016 DHCP Scopes with PowerShell in Windows 2012

I have had a lot to do and that is why I have not done so much updating on the blog, soon my third article will be published on Petri IT Knowledge 🙂 I have also attended the MMS in Las Vegas where I got loads of good information and meet lots of people!

In this post I want to show you the improvements in Windows 2012 and with the PowerShell native cmdlets in this version.

The task was to automatically create 2016 DHCP Scopes for clients on a DCHP server and every scope was a /29 net with 3 lease addresses and one router for each.

I tested this on a Windows 2008 R2 with the community powershell module  and with the following script it took, and I am not kidding, almost 5 hours!! the module utilise the net sh commands with dhcp and probably there could be a lot of improvements for performance, and seriously, just creating one or two scopes can be done in the gui but doing over 2000 will demand a scripted way!

Screen Shot 2013-04-24 at 19.28.45
# Massive DHCP Scope 2016
# Niklas Akerlund 2013-04-24

write-host (get-date)
for($b=1;$b -le 63 ; $b++){
    for($i=0;$i -le 255){ 
        New-DHCPScope -Server localhost -Name 10.10.$b.$i -Address 10.10.$b.$i -SubnetMask | Out-Null
        $startip = $i+2
        $endip = $i+4
        $router = $i+1
        Add-DHCPIPRange -Server localhost -Scope 10.10.$b.$i -StartAddress 10.10.$b.$startip -EndAddress 10.10.$b.$endip | Out-Null
        Get-DHCPScope -Server localhost -Scope 10.10.$b.$i | Set-DHCPOption -OptionID  003 -DataType IPADDRESS -Value 10.10.$b.$router | Out-Null
        $i = $i +8
write-host (get-date)

With the PowerShell DHCP module for WIndows 2012 I have created the following script for creating the same amount of scopes and configuration and running it took only about 1 minute!!

Screen Shot 2013-04-24 at 20.02.35
# Massive DHCP Scope 2016
# Niklas Akerlund 2013-04-24

write-host (get-date)
for($b=1;$b -le 63 ; $b++){
    for($i=0;$i -le 255){ 
        $startip = $i+2
        $endip = $i+4
        $router = $i+1
        Add-DhcpServerv4Scope -Name 10.10.$b.$i -StartRange 10.10.$b.$startip -EndRange 10.10.$b.$endip -SubnetMask
        Set-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -ScopeId 10.10.$b.$i -Router  10.10.$b.$router
        $i = $i +8
write-host (get-date)

As you can see, handling lots of changes and configurations can easily be done in the new Windows 2012 and it´s native cmdlets!

Manage your Clouds with PowerShell ppt and demofiles

Today I was presenting on the Technet Sweden Live meeting:System Center Sp1 Springtime series and my session was about:


The presentation can be downloaded on the following link -> SC2012SP1VarenPSClouds and I have also added it to slideshare

I also promised that the powershell files I have created for the demonstrations would be downloadable and here they are, I have made one file for each of the cloud management parts

You can also read some of my other posts about App controller and how to add clouds to it, also the post about how to extend your VMM console with custom properties and also how to download and update help in SCVMM.

I will try to get some time to make some demo movies and publish them in a near future 🙂


Not able to set HA on a running VM with SC VMM 2012 SP1

I have described before in blog posts about how to add a running VM to a Hyper-V failover cluster with the PowerShell cmdlets without moving it or turning it off, asuming it already was on a highly available storage such as a CVFS volume or smb 3.0 file share

In my exploration of the virtual machine manager PowerShell module I wanted to test and see if this was also possible in there but I do not succeed, or more correctly maybe should be noted that the SCVMM team has not implemented that for this release 🙁 what has been implemented is the possibility to make a VM highly available when moving between datastores on a cluster node or from a single hyper-v host to a cluster node. As there is some copying of data it will also take longer time than the below command.

In Hyper-V with failover cluster PowerShell module I can add a VM to the cluster with the following cmdlets without stopping the VM.

Hyper-V\Get-VM vmtest -ComputerName HV02 | Add-VMToCluster -Cluster HVCL30

As you see, the reason why I have added the Hyper-V to the cmdlet is that because in the VMM PowerShell cmdlet there is an alias that is called Get-VM and refers to the Get-SCVirtualMachine and that conflicts with the Hyper-V PowerShell module´s Get-VM and I have imported both modules in the same console. I have also imported the failover cluster module in the same console.

If I try to use the Set-SCVirtualmachine vmtest -HighlyAvailable $true I get the following error.


In the VMM Console this option is also greyed out and cannot be set.


Here is the command to move the VM from one datastore to another and in the same time making it highly available,


I have made a blog post about the issue with Move-SCVirtualMachine not updating the cluster resource and this can be a way to handle this but in my opinion a far more complicated way as you have to move the VM to a new datastore and removing the high availability and then moving it again to another datastore and making it high available again, with a large virtual machine this can take some considerable time when it otherwise just is to run the cluster cmdlet.