Downloading help for SC VMM 2012 SP1 PowerShell module

Today I wanted to use the help in SC Virtual Machine Manager PowerShell console and found that I had to download the updated help before I could see the whole, and of course I tried to do that but encountered the little error that follows in the screendump as you see,

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I had used the PowerShell shortcut in the VMM Console, and was using my own login account, It is part of administrators/domain admins but still had not proper rights on the VMM server.

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I opened a new PowerShell console by right click on the shortcut on the taskbar and chose Run-As Administrator and typed:

Screen Shot 2013-03-25 at 20.03.07
Import-Module virtualmachinemanager
Update-Help -Module virtualmachinemanager

And now I can see the full help 🙂

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