Updated Move-VMStorage2 function for Hyper-V PowerShell
I have been updating my function that extends the Hyper-V PowerShell module cmdlet Move-VMStorage. A while ago I made a blog post about that I think that the folders on the source directory should be removed when doing a Live Storage Migration or you will get a mess with empty VM folders after a while and that can cause some confusion for the admins.
The updates in this script function are the following:
- I will not delete folders if they do not reside within a folder with the VM´s name (In the earlier version I just deleted and that recursive with no questions asked which could have some consequences )
- And if the folder was the default or named with another name you will get an output that tells you to clean manually
- If you do not give the VM´s Name in the -Path parameter I will add that for you to get a nice and tidy folder structure
Here is a screendump on the updated function in action

And here you can see what happens if I move from a folder that is not named after the VM´s name

And here is a screendump of the folders that are left in the c:\vms that you need to manually delete and you might want to check that not another vm is residing inside these folders before removing them 😛

<# .Synopsis An updated Move-VMStorage function .DESCRIPTION To also remove the folder where the VM was residing this function also deletes the folder after moving the VM This function also helps you in creating a folder in the path if forgotten .EXAMPLE Move-VMStorage2 -VMName test -ComputerName HV02 -Path \\SMB-srv01\VMs\test .NOTES Author: Niklas Akerlund 20130226 Version: 0.2 #> function Move-VMStorage2 { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([int])] Param ( # A name of a VM [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)] $VMName, # The name of the Hyper-V host [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=1)] $ComputerName = "localhost", # The path where the VM is going to be relocated to. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=2)] [string] $Path ) # Lets move and tidy the source folder $VM = Get-VM $VMName -ComputerName $ComputerName # For some reason the path does not get refreshed when moving one VM several times in the same console that is why i do a select * $VMOldPath = Get-VM $VMName -ComputerName $ComputerName | select * -ExpandProperty Path if ($Path -notmatch $VM.VMName){ $Path = $Path + "\" + $VM.VMName Move-VMStorage -VM $VM -DestinationStoragePath $Path }else{ Move-VMStorage -VM $VM -DestinationStoragePath $Path } if (($VMOldPath.StartsWith("\\")) -and $VMOldPath -match $VM.VMName) { Remove-Item -Path $VMOldPath -Recurse -Force }elseif ($VMOldPath -match $VM.VMName){ Invoke-Command -ComputerName $VM.ComputerName -ScriptBlock {Remove-Item -Path $Using:VMOldPath -Recurse -Force} }else{ Write-Host "The VM :" $VM.VMName " was in the following path " $VMOldPath " Clean it manually!" } }