A PowerCLI function to manage VMware vSphere Licenses
As always ( or at least in my world) you should do everything in powershell/powerCLI. Now the turn comes to handling licensing in VMware vSphere.
I searched the web and found some information from Luc Dekens post and from Joe Keegan post. I also used the Onyx VMware fling to get some more functionality.
I decided to do some powershell functions and came up with the following, I have created three functions that can do some magic with your licenses
- Get-vLicense – query the vCenter for licenses
- Add-vLicense – add a license or assign an existing license to a host/vCenter
- Remove-vLicense – remove a license that is not in use
Of course there might be other things regarding licensing i have forgot but see this as a version 0.1 and that you can give me input on what to add or change
Here you can see how the function get the information:
You have to bare with me and my paintbrush skills, but I cannot show my license keys on the Internet 🙂
I can also use a switch to just show the ones that are not used with
Get-vLicense -showUnused
I would like to move my hosts to the new license that i have that has unlimited cores
I can also in the Add function just add without assigning the license right now just use the -AddKey switch
And if I want to remove the unused license I use the following function, It can utilize a pipeline parameter as you see
And here is the whole code for the functions:
function Get-vLicense{ <# .SYNOPSIS Function to show all licenses in vCenter .DESCRIPTION Use this function to get all licenses in vcenter .PARAMETER xyz .NOTES Author: Niklas Akerlund / RTS Date: 2012-03-28 #> param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, HelpMessage="Enter the license key or object")]$LicenseKey = $null, [Switch]$showUnused, [Switch]$showEval ) $servInst = Get-View ServiceInstance $licenceMgr = Get-View $servInst.Content.licenseManager if ($showUnused -and $showEval){ $licenses = $licenceMgr.Licenses | where {$_.EditionKey -eq "eval" -or $_.Used -eq 0} }elseif($showUnused){ $licenses = $licenceMgr.Licenses | where {$_.EditionKey -ne "eval" -and $_.Used -eq 0} }elseif($showEval){ $licenses = $licenceMgr.Licenses | where {$_.EditionKey -eq "eval"} }elseif ($LicenseKey -ne $null) { if (($LicenseKey.GetType()).Name -eq "String"){ $licenses = $licenceMgr.Licenses | where {$_.LicenseKey -eq $LicenseKey} }else { $licenses = $licenceMgr.Licenses | where {$_.LicenseKey -eq $LicenseKey.LicenseKey} } } else { $licenses = $licenceMgr.Licenses | where {$_.EditionKey -ne "eval"} } $licenses } function Add-vLicense{ <# .SYNOPSIS Add New Licenses to the vCenter license manager .DESCRIPTION Use this function to add licenses and assing to either the vcenter or the hosts .PARAMETER xyz .NOTES Author: Niklas Akerlund / RTS Date: 2012-03-28 #> param ( $VMHost , [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)]$License = $null, [string]$LicenseKey = "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX", [switch]$AddKey ) $LicenseMgr = Get-View -Id 'LicenseManager-LicenseManager' $LicenseAssignMgr = Get-View -Id 'LicenseAssignmentManager-LicenseAssignmentManager' if($License){ $LicenseKey = $License.LicenseKey $LicenseType = $LicenseMgr.DecodeLicense($LicenseKey) }else{ $LicenseType = $LicenseMgr.DecodeLicense($LicenseKey) } if ($LicenseType) { if ($AddKey){ $LicenseMgr.AddLicense($LicenseKey, $null) }else{ if ($LicenseType.EditionKey -eq "vc"){ #$servInst = Get-View ServiceInstance $Uuid = (Get-View ServiceInstance).Content.About.InstanceUuid $licenseAssignMgr.UpdateAssignedLicense($Uuid, $LicenseKey,$null) } else { $key = Get-vLicense -LicenseKey $LicenseKey if($key -and ($key.Total-$key.Used) -lt (get-vmhost $VMHost | get-view).Hardware.CpuInfo.NumCpuPackages){ Write-Host "Not Enough licenses left" } else{ $Uuid = (Get-VMhost $VMHost | Get-View).MoRef.Value $licenseAssignMgr.UpdateAssignedLicense($Uuid, $LicenseKey,$null) } } } } } function Remove-vLicense{ <# .SYNOPSIS Function to remove a licenses that is not in use in vCenter .DESCRIPTION Use this function to remove a license .PARAMETER xyz .NOTES Author: Niklas Akerlund / RTS Date: 2012-03-28 #> param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$True, HelpMessage="Enter the key or keyobject to remove")]$License ) $LicObj = Get-vLicense $License if($LicObj.Used -eq 0){ $LicenseMgr = Get-View -Id 'LicenseManager-LicenseManager' $LicenseMgr.RemoveLicense($LicObj.LicenseKey) }else{ Write-Host " The license is assigned and cannot be removed" } }
Very good functions !
But I don’t know how to add license for my vCloud Networking & Security extension.
How could I find its UUID ?
Thanks !
Big thanks! really helps to add licenses, exactly what I was looking for!
Amazing script, thanks a lot. I prefer to apply new licensing for all ESXi in datacentrename
get-vmhost -Location datacentrename | ForEach-Object {Add-vLicense $_.name -LicenseKey ******************************}
I had some issue with essentials edition, but fixed it replacing line 75 with :
if ($LicenseType.EditionKey -like “vc*”){
to catch vc.essentials.instance type.
Great script ! thanks !
Thx for this usefull script !
I can’t find the name that we manually set while adding a license.It’s the filed callled “license” in the GUI. This is required for me to find back the correct license to use. Is there anyway to find it with your function ? I checked also the advanced properties from your script but it does not show the field with the name.