Populate your own custom properties on SC VMM 2012

I have been helping a customer to populate their VMM 2012 console with information that they think is good to have, I have made a blog post about this some time ago but now I have added some new valuable information.

The information I retrive are where the VM resides on what CSV volume, if the VM has dynamic VHD´s, if the VM has snapshots and if the snapshots also have been merged, this can only happen when the VM is in Saved State or Stopped on a Win 2008 R2 Hyper-V (this is not an issue on a win 2012 hyper-v as it can live merge)

First I add the Custom Properties

New-SCCustomProperty -Name "DynamicVHD" -AddMember "VM"
New-SCCustomProperty -Name "Snapshots" -AddMember "VM"
New-SCCustomProperty -Name "Datastore" -AddMember "VM"

Here is a screenshot how it looks when you add the custom properties to the console,

Screen Shot 2012-12-17 at 19.41.55

In the powershell script I iterate down through all the snapshots/differencing disks to the parent VHD and check if that is fixed or dynamic. And as you see in the image I check if there is a snapshot or a removed but not merged snapshot (I still have a small problem with the VMM name Checkpoint 😉 )

# Update custom items Snapshots and Dynamic disks, Datastore
# Niklas Akerlund / Lumagate 2012-12-17
if (-not (Get-Module virtualmachinemanager)) {
    Import-Module virtualmachinemanager
Get-SCVMMServer -ComputerName localhost | Out-Null

$VMs = Get-VM 

foreach ($VM in $VMs){
    $Datastore = " "
    $LocationProp = Get-SCCustomProperty -Name "Datastore"
    $SnapShots = Get-SCCustomProperty -Name "Snapshots"    
    $VHDs = $VM | Get-VirtualHardDisk
    $DynDisk = Get-SCCustomProperty -Name "DynamicVHD" 
    $Dyn = $false
    $Merge = $false
    foreach ($VHD in $VHDs){
        if ($VHD.VHDType -eq "DynamicallyExpanding"){
            $Dyn = $true
        if (($VHD.Location -like "*.avhd") -and (($VM | Get-SCVMCheckpoint) -eq $null)){
                $Merge = $true
        $VHDp = $VHD
        while ($VHDp.ParentDisk -ne $Null){
            $VHDp = $VHDp.ParentDisk
            if($VHDp.VHDType -eq "DynamicallyExpanding"){
                $Dyn = $true
    # Update custom values
    $Datastore = $VM.Location.Split("\")[2]
    Set-SCCustomPropertyValue -InputObject $VM -CustomProperty $LocationProp -Value $Datastore
    if ($Dyn){
        Set-SCCustomPropertyValue -InputObject $VM -CustomProperty $DynDisk -Value "Yes" 
        Set-SCCustomPropertyValue -InputObject $VM -CustomProperty $DynDisk -Value "No" 
    if ($VM | Get-SCVMCheckpoint){
        Set-SCCustomPropertyValue -InputObject $VM -CustomProperty $SnapShots -Value "Yes"
        Set-SCCustomPropertyValue -InputObject $VM -CustomProperty $SnapShots -Value "Not Merged"
        Set-SCCustomPropertyValue -InputObject $VM -CustomProperty $SnapShots -Value "No"

As I described in the earlier post you can schedule this to run with scheduled tasks and maybe set it to run every hour or what ever you might prefer.


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