Updated VMware vSphere FT (Fault Tolerance) function for PowerCLI
After this week when i have been co-teaching a VMware vSphere ICM course i was going to show the students FT and I was seeking in the powerCLI reference for some cmdlets but could not find any.
I created my own function for enabling this, i got inspiration from Cody Bunch post but extended it with a function and also with my function you can disable/enable/remove and test restart/failover the secondary vm. I also check if the FT is enabled or not before making any changes.

Here is the PowerCLI function, i am using some Get-View to be able to use the FT functions.
Updated: Today (Monday 27/2) i added functionality with a possibility to also send VMHost as argument, but then i realized some errors occuring, my assumtions that the primary VM always was the first object when doing a Get-VM was false, i have corrected the function that it actually checks for the correct VM, Primary or Secondary. If you do not send VMHost parameter the FT process will choose a Host for you, this cannot be the same as the Primary VM resides on.
function Set-VMFaultTolerance{ <# .SYNOPSIS Enable FT for the VM sent as parameter .DESCRIPTION Use this function to enable or disable Fault Tolerance .PARAMETER xyz .NOTES Author: Niklas Akerlund / RTS Date: 2012-02-27 #> param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="A virtual machine", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] $VM, $VMHost = $null, [switch]$enableFT, [switch]$disableSecondaryFT, [switch]$removeFT, [switch]$failOverFT, [switch]$restartSecondaryFT ) if ($VM.ExtensionData.Config.FtInfo -ne $null){ $VM = Get-VM $VM | where {$_.Extensiondata.Config.FtInfo.Role -eq 1} } else { $VM = Get-VM $VM } if ($VMHost -ne $null){ $VMHost = Get-VMHost $VMHost | Get-View if ($VMHost -ne $null) { $VMHostobj = New-Object VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference $VMHostobj.type = "HostSystem" $VMHostobj.value = $VMHost.MoRef.Value $VMHost = $VMHostobj } } if ($enableFT) { if ($VM.ExtensionData.Config.FtInfo -eq $null){ $VMview = $VM | Get-View $VMview.CreateSecondaryVM($VMHost) } else{ $VMsec = Get-VM $VM.Name | where {$_.Extensiondata.Config.FtInfo.Role -eq 2}| Get-View $VMobj = New-Object VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference $VMobj.type = "VirtualMachine" $VMobj.value = $VMsec.MoRef.Value $VMview = $VM | Get-View $VMview.EnableSecondaryVM($VMobj, $null) } }elseif ($disableSecondaryFT) { if ($VM.ExtensionData.Config.FtInfo -ne $null){ $VMsec = Get-VM $VM.Name | where {$_.Extensiondata.Config.FtInfo.Role -eq 2 -and $_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"}| Get-View if ($VMsec -ne $null){ $VMobj = New-Object VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference $VMobj.type = "VirtualMachine" $VMobj.value = $VMsec.MoRef.Value $VMview = $VM | Get-View $VMview.DisableSecondaryVM($VMobj) }else { Write-Host "The Secondary is already disabled" } }else { Write-Host "This VM is not FT enabled" } }elseif ($failOverFT) { if ($VM.ExtensionData.Config.FtInfo -ne $null){ $VMsec = Get-VM $VM.Name | where {$_.Extensiondata.Config.FtInfo.Role -eq 2 -and $_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"}| Get-View if ($VMsec -ne $null){ $VMobj = New-Object VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference $VMobj.type = "VirtualMachine" $VMobj.value = $VMsec.MoRef.Value $VMview = $VM | Get-View $VMview.MakePrimaryVM($VMobj) }else { Write-Host "The Secondary is disabled" } }else { Write-Host "This VM is not FT enabled" } }elseif ($restartSecondaryFT) { if ($VM.ExtensionData.Config.FtInfo -ne $null){ $VMsec = Get-VM $VM.Name | where {$_.Extensiondata.Config.FtInfo.Role -eq 2 -and $_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"}| Get-View if ($VMsec -ne $null){ $VMobj = New-Object VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference $VMobj.type = "VirtualMachine" $VMobj.value = $VMsec.MoRef.Value $VMview = $VM | Get-View $VMview.TerminateFaultTolerantVM($VMobj) }else { Write-Host "The Secondary is disabled" } }else { Write-Host "This VM is not FT enabled" } }elseif ($removeFT){ if ($VM.ExtensionData.Config.FtInfo -ne $null){ $VMview = Get-VM $VM | where {$_.Extensiondata.Config.FtInfo.Role -eq 1}| Get-View $VMview.TurnOffFaultToleranceForVM() } else { Write-Host "This VM is not FT enabled" } } }
[…] http://www.rtfm-ed.co.uk/2012/02/28/passing-vcp5-just/An evolved “enable FT” PowerCLI function -http://vniklas.djungeln.se/2012/02/25/vmware-vsphere-ft-fault-tolerance-function-for-powercli/ESX System Analyzer (Pre-ESXi Upgrades, etc) – […]
hi Niklas, thanks for sharing that! But, how can i use it? I saved that in a file (for ex. ft.ps1) then tried to launch it, but it return nothing, nor errors. How i use it? thanks!
What you have to do is load the function first,
. .\ft.ps1 (do not forget the space between the . .
then you should be able to use the Set-VMFaultTolerance from the console with appropriate -parameters 🙂
Great function, I was looking exactly for this!
[…] turning FT on and Off I used a PowerCLI function from vNiklas, it is part of the code […]