AzureStack TP3 refresh deployment

Last Thursday Microsoft and the AzureStack Team released a refresh of the TP3 of AzureStack and now with more functionality:

New to App Service this release:

  • Azure Functions preview for AAD based deployments
  • Deployment in disconnected environments
  • Deployment on ADFS authenticated Azure Stack
  • Installation and deployment improvements
  • Azure Resource Manager (ARM) API version 2016-03-01 support for App Services
  • Synchronization of SKUs with Azure – i.e. Free (F1), Shared (D1), and Standard (S1, S2, S3)
  • Service reliability improvements

One advantage of being in a DC that Basefarm operates is that the bandwidth is huge and I could download the Stack-Pack very fast and it took about 7 minutes,

Then I download new Azurestack tools and configure the host for deploy and my deployment took about 5 hours:

Good luck in your deploy

