Taking the SCVMM 2012 R2 UR6 for a test drive
Noticed this evening that Microsoft released the UR6 for System Center and my interest is in Virtual Machine Manager so I wanted to test-install it and also connect to an Azure IaaS subscription as this was one of the new added features besides all fixes and also of course the other added feature with Generation 2 Service template support etc.

Here you can read more about the fixes and also if you do not use Microsoft Update, download the files.
As I had my environment connected to the Internet I could press install,

Once it was finished a reboot of the server had to be done and I could start to add Azure subscriptions to VMM. Here you have to use a management certificate and that is easily created with makecert if you do not have any other CA available!

And when that is complete you can see my VM´s in Azure on the subscription and the commands that I can use on them,

Good luck in your tests of this nice new feature.