Today I have done my last day at Real Time Services and on monday I will start as a Product Manager Private Cloud at Lumagate.
My focus will be on helping customers adopting and implementing a private cloud. It will be very exiting and hopefully some fun developing projects. I will work with both VMware and Microsoft solutions but with a focus on enabling the System Center Suite and automation.
If you want to contact me, this is my new business card:
Today I have tested to set up VM monitoring and see how it works.
Kristian Nese has made a blog post about it, I wanted to do a bit more in Powershell, He also points out that it might in some scenarios not be so good to activate this on a VM that have multiple roles and I must agree in that. Another thing to say again is, this can only be done on Windows 2012 VM´s and they haft to either be in the same domain as the failover-cluster or in a trusted domain and also the cluster nodes must be able to connect to the VM over the network.
First for the cluster to be able to see the services that can be monitored I have to allow that in the VM´s firewall, I will also enable Remote Service Management to communicate so I can remotely check services with powershell.
And then I can do some magic in the powershell console to set up the VM monitoring, I use the -OverrideServiceRecoveryActions parameter so the VM monitoring will trigger first no matter what the service is configured to do in the recovery settings.
To test this I want to kill the service and for that I can use the Stop-Process, this can not be used in a cmdlet remote so I have to use remoting again so with the Invoke-Command I get the process and kill it 🙂
In this example I have used a third party open source software to show that the monitoring not only just works with Microsoft services. It is as I said in the beginning useful in the right circumstance.
Yesterday I upgraded a Hyper-V node in a cluster from RC to RTM, Now I want to live migrate VM´s from the RC node to the RTM and then upgrade that.
As you can see on this screendump I have one node with build number 8400 (RC) and one with 9200 (RTM)
As you can see on this next image I have two VM´s running on my old node and I want to migrate them. The VM´s reside on a SMB 3.0 share and the cluster have a quorum share
And how do I move the VM´s to the other node, yes with powershell also, what you can see is that the Move-ClusterVirtualMachineRole can take the VMid from the VM objects as pipelined input, and that is really nice.
So now I have live migrated over the VM´s from the old RC to the RTM server and I can continue to upgrade that node.
I get an error if I try to live migrate them back to the old node, the only way I can do that is when the VM´s are powered off.
Of course I would rather have all my hosts in my System Center VMM 2012 SP1 but if I do not, or I just as an ITPro admin want to check if there are some new Hyper-V servers out there in my Active Directory and if they have VM´s on them I can use PowerShell.
I have looked at Ravikanth´s blog and done some modifications, also I am using the Win2012 and Powershell v3.
I can with the following powershell cmd get all hyper-v virtual machines in my Active Directory (of some reason the VMware machines do not get registered in the AD as virtual machines). With powershell version 3 it autoloads the Active Directory Module, this requires though that I have the feature RSAT-AD-PowerShell installed, easily done with Get-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell | Add-WindowsFeature.
I cannot do so much more with this information, what I want is to check a list of Hyper-V servers and also try to get the VM´s on them, sadly only win2012 servers can interact with the hyper-v powershell module and give that info, but hey whom has win 2008 r2 hyper-v servers 😉
This first query gives me all Hyper-V servers in the domain, 2008->2012
I am working in a project that want to get performance data from remote servers, this with WMI, the servers belong to an Active Directory but the user collecting is not allowed to be an administrator (As an Administrator this is easy because then you already are in control and in the right groups)
So How do I fix this with preferably PowerShell, Scripting Guy has made a post about how to add users to local groups and Steve Lee on the MSDN WMI Blog has made a post how to add permissions on WMI so I have combined them and got the solution I want.
The groups I am interested in on the remote computer are “Distributed COM Users”,”Performance Monitor Users”, to be able to connect and get monitoring data
To get it from the WMI interface I need some permissions there, I only grant read permissions on the root/CIMv2 subtree.
And here is the Powershell that does it, In the screendump you can see that I can use a foreach loop to set the permissions on several computers
To check that I can get the performance data I can use the powershell cmdlet Get-WMIObject , as you can see in the screendump, in the first test I do not have the permissions set but in the second it works..
Here are the functions
# Add/Remove user from local group
# Niklas Akerlund/Most code from Scriptingguy Blog
Function Set-UserLocalGroup
$de = [ADSI]"WinNT://$Computer/$Group,group"
} elseif ($remove){
Set-WmiNamespaceSecurity, there was an error in the original code that I have corrected based on the comments, this error caused the function to always run on the local computer instead of the remote when using the -computer parameter.
I have installed and configured my Win 8 Enterprise but did not enter any key when I was deploying. Now when I wanted to do some customization I saw this.
Well ok, I tried to activate but got this error,
In the GUI there was no way like in win 7 to enter a new product key, so I had to use the slmgr.vbs script. Why have not Microsoft developed this function in powershell instead?
What you will realize is that you need to run it in an elevated powershell or cmd console.
slmgr.vbs -dli <- this shows the product key that you have now
slmgr.vbs -ipk 0000-0000-0000-0000 <- Installs the product key
Now I have an activated Windows 8 client with a valid license 🙂
At the MMS 2012 I had the opportunity to write the beta exam 71-246, Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud with System Center 2012. This exam was released during the summer as 70-246
As my earlier post announced I could see on the Prometric site that I passed, but the MCP site did not reflect this and I waited quite a while but nothing happend, so I sent in a support request and now after a week I got a mail that they have solved the transfer from Prometric.
Here is a screendump of my certification transcript 🙂 and watch the date of achievement..
Good luck you other guys in achieving MCSE Private Cloud!
There is a new version of the vKernel Server Explorer that has a Environment Explorer view, this can handle multiple hypervisors (current support is Hyper-V, VMware vSphere and RHEV). The tool gives you as an administrator or consultant the insight in the environment and can give you answers if there are some issues and if you are running out of capacity.
The software is packed as an OVF and imported into your vSphere environment, as the vOPS server Readme text file describes there will also be an Hyper-V appliance that will be importable into an Hyper-V host and that with an collector for Hyper-V, do not know when that will be released though.
I have imported it with PowerCLI and then edited the vCPU to 2 instead of 4 and memory to 4 GB instead of 8 because my lab machines has limited resourses, It is really easy to deploy as you can see.
After import and configure I start it and then use a browser to the IP adress and configure, with this current version I can only add vSphere vCenter and RHEV
To add a vCenter I have to set the vCenter statistic level to at least 2 on all intervals
When that is done I successfully add the vCenter to the Server Explorer
With this you get three free tools in one, Environment Explorer, vScope Explorer and SearchMyVM Explorer that all can help you get the initial info you need. and If you want you can activate a free vOPS trial to extend the functionality.
In my small test/lab environment it looks like this
I have made a function to set reservations on VM´s in PowerCLI. The function takes a VM as parameter and also percentage of CPU and Memory you want to reserve.
The function checks the Mhz of the physical CPU from the Host the VM is running on and makes the reservation from this.
In the function I can set both memory and cpu reservation or just one of them
here is a screendump of the function being used
and here is the PowerCLI
function Set-VMReservation{
Set VM Reservation on Memory and/or CPU
Use this function set VM reservations
Use this parameter to set the percent of memory reserved for the VM
Use this parameter to set the percent of CPU Mhz from the host CPU to be reserved
Author: Niklas Akerlund
Date: 2012-07-19
param (
[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="A VM",
$MemoryMB = 0,
$CpuMhz = 0
$VM = Get-VM $VM
if ($MemoryMB -ne 0 -and $CpuMhz -ne 0){
$MemoryMB = $MemoryMB/100
[int]$MemoryMB = $VM.MemoryMB*$MemoryMB
$CpuMhz = $CpuMhz/100
[int]$CpuMhz = ([math]::truncate(((Get-VMHost -id $*$VM.NumCpu*$CpuMhz
$VM | Get-VMResourceConfiguration |Set-VMResourceConfiguration -CpuReservationMhz $CpuMhz -MemReservationMB $MemoryMB
}elseif ($MemoryMB -ne 0 -and $CpuMhz -eq 0){
$MemoryMB = $MemoryMB/100
[int]$MemoryMB = $VM.MemoryMB*$MemoryMB
$VM | Get-VMResourceConfiguration |Set-VMResourceConfiguration -MemReservationMB $MemoryMB
}elseif ($MemoryMB -eq 0 -and $CpuMhz -ne 0){
$CpuMhz = $CpuMhz/100
[int]$CpuMhz = ([math]::truncate(((Get-VMHost -id $*$VM.NumCpu*$CpuMhz
$VM | Get-VMResourceConfiguration |Set-VMResourceConfiguration -CpuReservationMhz $CpuMhz
}elseif ($MemoryMB -eq 0 -and $CpuMhz -eq 0){
$VM | Get-VMResourceConfiguration |Set-VMResourceConfiguration -CpuReservationMhz 0 -MemReservationMB 0
In this example I have set the CPU reservation to 60 % and Memory to 40 %