Populate and administer Active directory users with Powershell

Some days ago I have been working on some powershell scripts for a lab environment and now i have edited the handlescript to work better and with more functionality.

First i created a small script for populating some OU with student accounts.

# Script: Createusers.ps1
# Create users in AD
# Version: 0.1
# Niklas Akerlund /RTS

Import-Module Activedirectory

$OUs =  "OU1","OU2","OU3","OU4","OU5","OU6"

foreach ($OU in $OUs){
	$path = "OU=" + $OU + ",OU=lab,OU=Users,DC=demo,DC=local"
	for ($i=1;$i -le 10;$i++){
    	$SAMid = $OU + "Student0" + $i 
    	$Name = $OU + "Student0" + $i 
    	New-ADUser -SamAccountName $SAMid -Name $Name -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "S0meP@ssw0rd" -Force) -Enabled $true -Path $path


Then i created with help from Jeffery Hicks post a script with a menu to enable or disable accounts in the different OU´s. As i described in a earlier post it is quite powerful to use Active Directory cmdlets and i have tried to take care of that by checking that when i enable/disable accounts i check that i really have something in my searchbase. Below are two screenshots of the script running. Update I have now updated the script with a check for the searchbase that actually works and also an extra menu option with the ability to set password on the accounts i enable!


Here is the script that creates this, i have not yet come up with a better and more dynamic way to create the switch, maybe someone can give me some help there..

# Script: handleusers.ps1
# Version: 0.1
# Disable or enable lab account users
# Niklas Akerlund / RTS
# Menu code from Jeffery Hicks 

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Function Show-Menu {

		[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Enter your menu text")]

	if ($ClearScreen) {Clear-Host}

	#build the menu prompt
	#add a return
	#add an underline
	#add the menu

	Read-Host -Prompt $menuprompt

} #end function

$ListOU = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter * -Searchbase "OU=lab,OU=Users,DC=demo,DC=local" | where {$_.Name -ne "lab"} | Sort-Object $_.Name

$i = 1
foreach ($OU in $ListOU){
	   $menu+= [string]$i + " " + $OU.Name + "</code>n"
      # write-host $menu
       $i = $i+1
$menu+= "Q Quit"
$menu+= "<code>n"

# Menu 2 
1 Disable accounts
2 Enable accounts
3 Set password and enable accounts
B Back to menu
$menu2+= "</code>n"

#Keep looping and running the menu until the user selects Q (or q).
Do {
    #use a Switch construct to take action depending on what menu choice
    #is selected.
    Switch (Show-Menu $menu "Get OU to handle" -clear ) {
     "1" {
	 		if ($ListOU[0].DistinguishedName -ne $null){
		 		$menutext = "Handle " + $ListOU[0].Name + " users to disable/enable "
				$Users = Get-ADUser -filter * -searchbase $ListOU[0].DistinguishedName
		 		Switch (Show-Menu $menu2 $menutext -clear ) {
	     		"1" {
		 					$Users |  Set-ADUser -Enabled $false	
	     		"2" {
		 					$Users |  Set-ADUser -Enabled $true	
	     		"3" {
							$newPassword = (Read-Host -Prompt "Provide New Password" -AsSecureString)
		 					$Users | Set-ADUser -Enabled $true	
							$Users | Set-ADAccountPassword -NewPassword $newPassword -Reset
				"B" {
						Write-Host "Back to menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
				Default {Write-Warning "Invalid Choice. Try again."
	              sleep -milliseconds 750}
     "2"  {
	 		if ($ListOU[1].DistinguishedName -ne $null){
		 		$menutext = "Handle " + $ListOU[1].Name + " users to disable/enable " 
				$Users = Get-ADUser -filter * -searchbase $ListOU[1].DistinguishedName
		 		Switch (Show-Menu $menu2 $menutext -clear ) {
	     		"1" {
		 					$Users |  Set-ADUser -Enabled $false	
	     		"2" {
		 					$Users |  Set-ADUser -Enabled $true	
				"3" {
							$newPassword = (Read-Host -Prompt "Provide New Password" -AsSecureString)
		 					$Users | Set-ADUser -Enabled $true	
							$Users | Set-ADAccountPassword -NewPassword $newPassword -Reset
				"B" {
						Write-Host "Back to menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
				Default {Write-Warning "Invalid Choice. Try again."
	              sleep -milliseconds 750}
     "3" {
	 		if ($ListOU[2].DistinguishedName -ne $null){
		 		$menutext = "Handle " + $ListOU[2].Name + " users to disable/enable " 
				$Users = Get-ADUser -filter * -searchbase $ListOU[2].DistinguishedName
		 		Switch (Show-Menu $menu2 $menutext -clear ) {
	     		"1" {
		 					$Users |  Set-ADUser -Enabled $false		
	     		"2" {
		 					$Users |  Set-ADUser -Enabled $true	
				"3" {
							$newPassword = (Read-Host -Prompt "Provide New Password" -AsSecureString)
		 					$Users | Set-ADUser -Enabled $true	
							$Users | Set-ADAccountPassword -NewPassword $newPassword -Reset
				"B" {
						Write-Host "Back to menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
				Default {Write-Warning "Invalid Choice. Try again."
	              sleep -milliseconds 750}
	 "4" {
	 		if ($ListOU[3].DistinguishedName -ne $null){
		 		$menutext = "Handle " + $ListOU[3].Name + " users to disable/enable " 
				$Users = Get-ADUser -filter * -searchbase $ListOU[3].DistinguishedName
		 		Switch (Show-Menu $menu2 $menutext -clear ) {
	     		"1" {
		 					$Users |  Set-ADUser -Enabled $false		
	     		"2" {
		 					$Users |  Set-ADUser -Enabled $true	
				"3" {
							$newPassword = (Read-Host -Prompt "Provide New Password" -AsSecureString)
		 					$Users | Set-ADUser -Enabled $true	
							$Users | Set-ADAccountPassword -NewPassword $newPassword -Reset
				"B" {
						Write-Host "Back to menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
				Default {Write-Warning "Invalid Choice. Try again."
	              sleep -milliseconds 750}
	 "5" {
	 		if ($ListOU[4].DistinguishedName -ne $null){
		 		$menutext = "Handle " + $ListOU[4].Name + " users to disable/enable " 
				$Users = Get-ADUser -filter * -searchbase $ListOU[4].DistinguishedName
		 		Switch (Show-Menu $menu2 $menutext -clear ) {
	     		"1" {
		 					$Users |  Set-ADUser -Enabled $false		
	     		"2" {
		 					$Users |  Set-ADUser -Enabled $true	
				"3" {
							$newPassword = (Read-Host -Prompt "Provide New Password" -AsSecureString)
		 					$Users | Set-ADUser -Enabled $true	
							$Users | Set-ADAccountPassword -NewPassword $newPassword -Reset
				"B" {
						Write-Host "Back to menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
				Default {Write-Warning "Invalid Choice. Try again."
	              sleep -milliseconds 750}
	 "6" {
	 		if ($ListOU[5].DistinguishedName -ne $null){
		 		$menutext = "Handle " + $ListOU[5].Name + " users to disable/enable " 
				$Users = Get-ADUser -filter * -searchbase $ListOU[5].DistinguishedNam
		 		Switch (Show-Menu $menu2 $menutext -clear ) {
	     		"1" {
		 					$Users |  Set-ADUser -Enabled $false	
	     		"2" {
		 					$Users |  Set-ADUser -Enabled $true	
				"3" {
							$newPassword = (Read-Host -Prompt "Provide New Password" -AsSecureString)
		 					$Users | Set-ADUser -Enabled $true	
							$Users | Set-ADAccountPassword -NewPassword $newPassword -Reset
				"B" {
						Write-Host "Back to menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
				Default {Write-Warning "Invalid Choice. Try again."
	              sleep -milliseconds 750}
     "Q" {Write-Host "Goodbye" -ForegroundColor Cyan
     Default {Write-Warning "Invalid Choice. Try again."
              sleep -milliseconds 750}
    } #switch
} While ($True)


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