Rescue failing deploy from VMM 2012 R2 to Hyper-v hosts
I was contacted by a customer with an issue where he could not use ISO´s or deploy VM´s from his VMM server to the Hyper-V hosts.
First I started searching the net for solutions and found some that could match:
Move VM error : suggesting changing BITS port
Deploy VM from VMM : where I updated the hosts certificates on the VMM server,
but they did not help as the error continued, I also tried to reinstall the VMM agents on the hosts if that would have been the cause.
Starting to investigating this issue more thoroughly i noticed some strange things, I could store VM´s from the hosts into the VMM library so that way worked with BITS, So the problem seemed to be related to the VMM Server..
Talking with my friend and MVP Daniel Neumann he sent me a link to another blog post that describes if you have deleted the VMM certificate (my certificate was there but apparently out of sync in some way) so here is the steps to regenerate the VMM certificate:
1. Launch the VMM PowerShell on the Virtual Machine Manager server.
2. Type the following and press enter:
$credential = get-credential
3. Type the username and password that is a local admin on the VMM server.
4. Type the following and press enter:
Get-VMMManagedComputer -ComputerName “” | Register-SCVMMManagedComputer -Credential $credential
5. Ensure that the VMM job completes successfully under the Jobs tab in the VMM console.
Note: In my example above, is the FQDN of the VMM server.
And after this the VMM deploy works again!