Using AzurePack with VMware vSphere need third party for VM Clouds
I got a question last week from a customer about if it was possible or supported to use VMware vSphere with Windows Azure Pack. I have got this question a couple of times and wanted to share the info on a quick blogpost 🙂
And as you can read on the Technet Site, several of the different roles are supported with WAPack but not VM Clouds:
“Windows Azure Pack supports using VMWare virtual machines for deploying and administering the web sites service, databases, hosting the management portals, and the management API and web services. Third party extensions, however, are required to enable provisioning of virtual machines from a VMWare hypervisor using Windows Azure Pack.”
So here you can use VConnect as a third party extension to be able to utilize that real hybrid view and provisioning VM´s within Azure Pack.