Moving on or moving back, starting on a new job!
Hope that you all have a nice summer!

I have been busy with vacation and taking care of the family the latest couple of weeks! But there is some news I want to share with you, Tomorrow I will work my last day at Lumagate and then a new adventure will start at my old employer Real Time Services.
My role will be Chief Technical Architect – Microsoft Solutions, within this I will be responsible for offerings and design with hybrid clouds based on Azure and all its features, Hyper-V and office 365. With the new functionality that Azure continuously delivers it will be exiting times ahead getting customers to utilise and see the benefits with an hybrid cloud environment.
Real Time Services is also in a new exciting phase with a recent merger with two other companies making a larger and broader company that will be able to be a better solution provider and also make a serious commitment on Microsoft Cloud OS. The other companies that is part of the merger are PMCG and Skypoint.
If you want to contact me from now on use the following details 🙂