SC Orchestrator 2012 Sp1 and VMware vSphere 5.1

I have been exploring the System Center Orchestrator Integration Pack for vSphere and this is some good stuff! I have several customers that have bought Windows Datacenter Licenses with the System Center bundle and that is quite beneficial from a economical perspective! This means that they can use the System Center all parts with all VM´s and hosts. Several customers also use VMware vSphere as their virtualization platform and they can use System Center Orchestrator to build automation without any extra license cost.

In the System Center family there is only Virtual Machine Manager and Orchestrator that has connections to VMware vSphere without third party software (In Operations Manager you can use SNMP to get alarms from vCenter though).

So what can we do with Orchestrator IP for vSphere? This is the activities that is in the pack with version number 7.1.3010:

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And what do we need to configure, well of course we need connection settings to a vCenter server and that is found under the “Options” and then you add your vCenter or if you have several and want to use them you will have to add one configuration for each.

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And here is an simple example of a runbook that changes all VM´s memory to 384 MB, in the runbook I check if the VM is on or off and do an graceful power off activity depending on that status. For each activity in the runbook we have to add what configured vCenter we want to use or the runbook will fail!

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The possibilites are almost endles as you can combine these activitiy with the others and interact with for example SCCM and deploy VM´s and OS. If this list of activities in the IP is not enough it can be extended by either creating your own IP or calling PowerCLI scripts from your runbook. Together with System Center Service Manager we can build nice self service portals that also does stuff on the VMware VM´s based on what the user order.



Niklas, I’d like to see the full runbook activity for this example. Is it possible you could publish the details? In particular the power status mapping , i’m curious what you are doing there. Thanks.

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