Bug in Get-WinEvent on Windows 2012?
I have been trying to get some Events out of my test environment for some Hyper-V stuff.
What I have noticed when digging down into the Get-EventLog and Get-WinEvent I get different information
The Get-EventLog gives me information and message about the Windows Logs and there it works nicely as you can see

But when I try to get information from as in this case Hyper-V logs with Get-WinEvent I get no information in the fields LevelDisplayName and Messages?!

And in the Event Viewer you can see that the information is there:

Have I misunderstood something how to get the Events in PowerShell or is there a bug in the system? In the old “Windows 2008 R2” I got the information correctly as you can see on this screendump, so the Get-WinEvent issue is related to Win 2012 version!

It kind of sucks if I cannot search the messages for some data and collect that information, and what I can see it seems to be the same case for all application and services logs and I will not accept to have to go the Event Viewer GUI 🙂
[…] my previos post I was claiming that there was a bug in the Get-WinEvent, but the bug is in Powershell v3 and how it works with the regional […]