Azure Certification guide: AZ-900
Last year I took the exams AZ-900, AZ-103 and AZ-301 and wanted to give you an insight into how I studied and what you need to do to have a successful shot at the exams.
AZ – 900

In this first post I will go through the resources for AZ-900. The exam page on Microsoft Learn takes you to the exam registration and also a detailed list on what you need to know!
Skills measured
- Understand cloud concepts (15-20%)
- Understand core Azure services (30-35%)
- Understand security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)
- Understand Azure pricing and support (20-25%)
I used two different resources for preparing for the exam. That being said I have been working with Azure for some years so maybe if you are new to the Microsoft cloud you might need to do some more studying!
First I used Openedx but their AZ-900 course have been closed down. Microsoft Partner site have an alternative that you can utilize, it is a virtual course that is recorded. Secondly I used Microsoft Learn that has a learning path that is really good!
Good luck on your Azure adventure!