Managing Hyper-V 3.0 Host and VM´s with powershell

So now i have started digging into the powershell cmdlets that are available for the Hyper-V in Windows 8 Server beta. As you can see on my screendump and also on this link there are some, i would love to see some extensions when the product becomes RTM, I am spoiled with the functionality and extensibility of the PowerCLI 😛

One thing that i like is that with powershell it is easy to actually find out what NIC you want to use in your virtual switches, why Microsoft insists of showing the description instead of name in the Hyper-V virtual switch admin gui? i have no idea which nic is which,

I do have a good name for them in the Network Connections

in the wonderful world of powershell it is now easy to create a virtual switch and actually get the right nic, also with the parameter -AllowManagementOS i make sure that my Host will not share this nic.

New-VMswitch -Name Intern -NetAdapterName VMSwitch -AllowManagementOS $false

Then i can deploy my VMs, I am woundering why the virtualization team is using bytes in their parameters ? -MemoryStartupBytes -NewVHDSizeBytes, fortunately you can use -MemoryStartupBytes 512MB or 1GB and powershell calculates it to bytes. Another thing that I am wondering about is that when i create a VM i cannot set number of vCPU, i have to change that after the VM has been created?!

New-VM -Name vNiklasDC -NewVHDSizeBytes 20GB -SwitchName Intern -MemoryStartupBytes 512MB -NewVHDPath C:\VMs\vNiklasDC\vNiklasDC.vhdx
Set-VM -Name vNiklasDC -ProcessorCount 2 -DynamicMemory -MemoryStartupBytes 512MB -MemoryMaximumBytes 1GB

More updates will come as i discover more about the new Windows 8 Server beta..


Enable Hyper-V 3.0 with Powershell in Windows 8 Server beta

How do you enable Hyper-V with powershell in the new win 8 Server beta, as you can see when running the Get-WindowsFeature Hyper-V i only see the Hyper-V role, but i also want the administration tools, best practice says that you should run the Hyper-V server as clean as possible and then you might want to enable the management tools on the administration server, but now i only have one server and want to be able to create VMs and configure etc.. In the screenshot i had already enabled the Hyper-V role.

To enable all Hyper-V Role/features i just type like this,

Get-WindowsFeature Hyper-V* | Add-WindowsFeature

I will test some Hyper-V powershell cmdlets after this and that might result in another post 😛